Federación Junta de Fiestas Moros y Cristianos de Cocentaina

    ValencianoEspañol (spanish formal Internacional)English (United Kingdom)

The President's greetings

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The centenary Moors and Christians Festival of Cocentaina combines a number of elements that give it a special and genuine idiosyncrasy that shows up, year after year, in the second weekend of August in the main streets of our town.

The people who participate in the Moors and Christians Festival make a great effort to make sure that our neighbours and all those people who visit us also enjoy the Moors and Christians Festival. During three intense days we can enjoy Parades, Accompaniments, the Holy Mass and processions consecrated to the patron Saint Hippolytus, and the Embassies followed by the shooting of harquebusiers. These festive acts are the ones that give meaning to the festive trilogy of Cocentaina, and they must necessarily be accompanied by Moor and Christian marches, double marches, fanfares. All in all, Cocentaina should be proud of its festive music because it is the cradle and the origin of some of the most important musicians and composers.

Finally, I would like to extend a cordial welcome to the Federation Junta de Fiestas website and invite you, on behalf of all the festive members of Cocentaina, to be direct testimonies of the true essence of the Moors and Christians Festival of Cocentaina and to enjoy it.


Hipòlit Borràs Martínez



Se encuentra en: Inicio Junta de Fiestas Saluda del presidente